Carrot jam

Text and photos: Anna Plaszczyk

6 March 2019

It has a beautiful, intense colour and surprising flavour. It can be the star of the summer breakfast and winter afternoon meal. New carrot jam can be made easily. Unfortunately – it disappears from the table equally quickly. Its exotic flavour will seduce even those who do not like carrots.
Carrot jam has advantages only. You can prepare it literally within an hour. It is intensively orange, it has a nice smell and it is slightly sour. In its taste, it is hard to find a well-known flavour, so it can be loved by not only amateurs of this vegetable. It is the perfect addition to sandwiches, but also a wonderful dessert itself because it does not need any company. It can also be served with cheese or cake. One thing is certain - every poor eater will be delighted.

1 kg of new carrots
juice of 2 lemons
200 g of sugar cane

Wash carrots thoroughly, but do not peel them! Cut them into pieces and steam until they are tender. Thanks to this method carrot will not lose its valuable components. It can also be cooked it in a small amount of water, but it should be drained afterwards. Cooked carrots should be blended. Add sugar and cook in low heat for half an hour stirring occasionally to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. If the jam is too thin - leave it for another 5-10 minutes. After cooling, add lemon juice and mix it thoroughly. Put it into jars and pasteurise it or eat it for breakfast, lunch (with noodles or rice!) and dinner tastefully.

carrot jam, vegetables, healthy food, vege, product for health,